Title: Mississippi Family Demands Independent Autopsy as Police Delay Notification of Son’s Death
In a shocking turn of events, the family of Dexter Wade is demanding answers and justice after the Mississippi man was tragically struck and killed by a police cruiser. The family has now insisted on exhuming Wade’s body for an independent autopsy, driven by concerns over the delayed notification of his death and the lack of transparency surrounding the incident.
The devastating news was revealed to Wade’s family with a six-month delay, long after he had already been quietly buried. This revelation has left the family in disbelief and has raised suspicions about the motives behind the police department’s actions.
The Jackson Police Department has confirmed that Wade was indeed struck by a department vehicle, but they deny any ill-intent in delaying the notification to the next-of-kin. Explaining their stance, authorities claimed that the delay was a consequence of their inability to identify Wade immediately after the accident. It was only through medication found in his pocket that they were able to determine his identity.
However, the police department also revealed that outdated contact information for Wade’s family hindered their efforts to notify them promptly. According to the authorities, missing persons officers failed to connect Wade’s missing persons report with his tragic death, leading to the delay in information reaching his loved ones.
Expressing her concerns over the sincerity of the police department, Wade’s grieving mother suspects that there may have been intentional negligence on their part. She firmly believes that the department could have informed her earlier and spared her family from the anguish of a delayed revelation.
Taking up the case, renowned civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who is representing the family, plans to file a petition to have Wade’s body exhumed for an independent autopsy. Crump also emphasizes the importance of a proper funeral and burial for Dexter Wade, ensuring his family receives the closure they deserve.
Vowing to keep Dexter Wade’s case in the public eye, Crump is determined to shed light on any potential misconduct or negligence. He aims to hold the responsible parties accountable and ensure that Wade’s tragic death is not forgotten.
As the investigation continues, the family and their attorney hope that the truth behind Dexter Wade’s death will be uncovered through an independent autopsy. The Bib Theorists will closely follow this case, providing updates on the family’s pursuit of justice amidst their unimaginable loss.